Stand: A80
- Hotel / Accommodation
- Pub / Bar / Club
- Wholesale
- Other Hospitality
- Equipment > Design & Decor
- Office / Facilities / Property Services
- Design & Construction Services
Zimmer + Rohde fabrics: Furnishing the Future since 1899
Fine furnishing textiles with sophisticated designs: Textile company Zimmer + Rohde has been successfully shaping the intersection of tradition and innovation for more than a century – always high-quality work, always modern, always timeless. From the heart of Germany to the European design capitals of Milan, Paris and London to cosmopolitan New York - explore our international brand portfolio.
Discover a wide range of interior styles: timeless design, opulent Italian luxury, light-hearted French flair, earthy British naturalness and everlasting American elegance.
ETC Design CenterRandweg 20
4104 AC