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Hotel Business Stage

In partnership with and designed by

Logo  fresh perepective

    • Revenue / Strategy
    Hotel Business Stage
    In this session we'll explore the big picture across Benelux's hotel industry. The last two years have been unprecedented, but how do we move forward? And where to we go from here? Join us to discuss ...
    • Sustainability
    Hotel Business Stage
    Sustainability in 2022 is about a whole lot more than how often you wash your towels. The modern, socially responsible hotel needs to look at its relationships with the environment, with its staff, wi ...
    • Staffing
    Hotel Business Stage
    How can we cater for our employees' unique human needs, bringing out their best work and cultivating a happy, productive business? Our expert panel discuss everything from finding the top talent to re ...
    • Mental Health
    Hotel Business Stage
    Mental health continues to be a major issue across the hospitality industry. Long hours and high-pressure working environments, along with an increasingly over-stimulated and over-exposed workforce ca ...
    • Vision / Strategy
    Hotel Business Stage
    In today's world, consumers are seeking more than just 'experience'. They crave something authentic. Providing your guests with a meaningful stay, presents you with an unmissable opportunity to stand ...
Hotel Innovation Stage

In partnership with


    • Vision / Strategy
    Hotel Innovation Stage
    Collecting information from your guests is no longer enough, it's how you translate that information that counts! Join our expert panel as they discuss how hotel businesses of all sizes can manage cus ...
    • Technology
    Hotel Innovation Stage
    Technology is revolutionising the hospitality industry, but how do you find the right balance between high-tech and high-touch? Join our expert panel to unpick how our sector is embracing new digital ...
    • Design
    Hotel Innovation Stage
    The days branding is limited to a logo and a set of colors are far gone. Your brand is who you are, how you behave and how you talk to your audience and it should be the starting point of your hotel i ...
    • Guest Loyalty
    Hotel Innovation Stage
    The COVID-19 crisis has caused consumers everywhere to change their behaviors, rapidly. Behavioral science tells us that identifying consumers' new beliefs, habits, and 'peak moments' is central to ad ...
    • Trends
    Hotel Innovation Stage
    Join trend forecaster Vincent van Dijk for a trend tour, featuring the most important hotel trends of the moment. From technological innovations to special sustainable gadgets that should not be missi ...
    • Marketing
    Hotel Innovation Stage
    A positive brand image can undoubtedly influence a consumer's decision to stay at your hotel, which is why online reputation management is essential to protecting and building your brand in 2022 and b ...
Social Business Space

In partnership with and designed by

crown      House of soko

  1. Social Business Space
    (Members Club only) Brand new for 2022, the Hotel Investment Programme has been designed for those involved in buying, selling and managing hotel properties. Key stakeholders including hotel owners, i ...
  2. Social Business Space
    "The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing." During this informal session, we will raise a glass to the mistakes in our careers. We will listen, laugh and most importantly, learn. M ...
    • Design
    Social Business Space
    Join Ingrid van der Veen, Designer and Owner of Ingrid van der Veen Interior Design as she imparts years of experience on how best to re-design your hotel's interiors. From welcoming to intimidating o ...
  3. Social Business Space
    HotelloTOP is the European networking platform for students & alumni of International Hotel Management Schools, and decision makers in the hospitality industry. Via live events, in an informal atmosph ...
  4. Social Business Space
    (Invite Only) The NXT GM Challenge is a hospitality challenge with an impressive prize. The winner, a fourth year or recently graduated Hotello, will become General Manager of a hotel for one year (fo ...
Hotel Business Stage

In partnership with and designed by

Logo  fresh perepective

    • Revenue / Strategy
    Hotel Business Stage
    In this session we'll hear from three big name brands, from outside the world hospitality. Join us for ideas, inspiration, and to uncover the opportunities for your business.
    • Sustainability
    Hotel Business Stage
    The sustainability challenges we are facing are urgent. Be it climate change, the growing scarcity of raw materials or the loss of biodiversity. Hotels have an important responsibility and cooperation ...
    • Staffing
    Hotel Business Stage
    Our expert panel discuss solving the staffing crisis. Reviewing new ways of recruiting, the use of flexible and non-permanent contracts, and ultimately, how to market your hotel as a great career move ...
    • Guest Loyalty
    Hotel Business Stage
    Guests that are less price sensitive, more likely to recommend and ultimately more profitable. Sound like the dream? Learn from the best as our panel of experts share their knowledge on establishing b ...
Hotel Innovation Stage

In partnership with


    • Direct Bookings
    Hotel Innovation Stage
    Webtools have levelled the playing field for hoteliers when it comes to competing for bookings online, enabling savvy businesses to get more direct bookings and save on commission. But, how do you kno ...
    • Design
    Hotel Innovation Stage
    Gone are the days where creating an appealing and memorable hospitality environment was just about aesthetics. Join industry professionals at the forefront of sensory design as they discuss the import ...
    • Marketing
    Hotel Innovation Stage
    Join us to explore what you need to know to make your social media impactful and economical in 2022 and beyond. With plenty of best practice examples, we'll delve into content ideas, making the most o ...
    • Trends
    Hotel Innovation Stage
    Join trend forecaster Vincent van Dijk for a trend tour, featuring the most important hotel trends of the moment. From technological innovations to special sustainable gadgets that should not be missi ...
    • Technology
    Hotel Innovation Stage
    Smart technology has transformed our home environment in recent years, and now the hotel industry is quickly adaptinjg to provide guests with a 'better than home' experience. From in-room voice assist ...
    • Trends
    Hotel Innovation Stage
    Join trend forecaster Vincent van Dijk for a trend tour, featuring the most important hotel trends of the moment. From technological innovations to special sustainable gadgets that should not be missi ...
Social Business Space

In partnership with and designed by

crown      House of soko

  1. Social Business Space
    (Amsterdam Hoteliers only) Roundtable session to share experiences and learn from each other (hosted by Koninklijke Horeca Nederland). KHN is the largest organisation representing hospitality business ...
  2. Social Business Space
    (Interior Designers & Architects only) Hosted by BNI, join us for the launch of “NOOK Live”, a collaboration with Thierry Somers, Editor in Chief of NOOK and Ruud Belmans, Creative Director of WeWantM ...
  3. Social Business Space
    Ready to reconnect with your colleagues? Join us for a drink with QL Hotels! These networking drinks are a great opportunity to meet new people, make connections and find like-minded individuals to te ...